Jeremy was coming on like the Donald and putting houses and hotels on all the properties he could. A few rolls of snake eyes here and a few Free Parkings there and the bankroll was flush with cash. Courtney's luck, on the other hand, was taking a turn for the worse. More rents due, more poor taxes to pay and more properties she had to mortgage. By the end of the night it was mayhem. It was, in fact, the truest game of Monopoly ever played. Behold.
Jeremy owns all properties. There is a hotel on every property. Courtney has no money. Jeremy has lots and a Get Out of Jail Free card. Never would I think that an ass whooping of this magnitude could be delivered at this game. Little did we know that Courtney would do it to Jeremy only a few days later (perhaps this is the ultimate fate in a two player setup?). BUT, as this is the game of which there is photographic evidence, it gets the glory. Jeremy = Monopoly King!!!
Hi guys! Just wanted to say that we miss you at Meredith/Buddress Thanksgiving this year! Love seeing the photos and hearing the stories though. Miss you both....The Meredith Fam
Cookster just gave me this insite into your whereabouts. You're not missing anything here! Enjoy your travels. Will stay in touch and fallow along. Jim Weitman
Hey guys! Great stories that made me laugh!
I must confess... I once was playing Monopoly with Cal and Nate and everybody was having great time until I started losing... Cal and Nate made it even worse. They actually made me cry! How pathetic is that?
Miss you!
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