Well, we made it!! Survived the 22 hours of traveling and ended up in pretty good shape. Lookin' a little haggard, but in good spirits. We've both managed to escape jet lag it seems...though we've joined my dad in the old fogies club since we've been in bed by 9pm both nights! I'm really loving the pace of life so far though....we wake up naturally with no alarm, get cleaned up and make breakfast, venture out for the day... Take a break from walking around to sit in the park and smell the flowers while we watch the field get prepped for what we think is a cricket match. Or sip coffee in a cute little cafe and people watch or write in our journals. It's all so leisurely and relaxing. I guess that's how vacation is supposed to be!
Tonight is our last night in Auckland. We pick up our Welly (rental car) tomorrow morning and hit the road, heading north toward the Bay of Islands. We were sure to get one with a boot (trunk) so that our backpacks won't be exposed and entice any sticky fingers. I'm very excited that we chose the Summer Combo package which includes a table and chairs, a hammock, a solar shower, and a chilly bin (cooler). We'll be all set! But I'm definitely going to miss our cozy hostel with the comfy queen sized bed, in-room fireplace, and blazing hot showers! The roughing it begins...
We've been learning the language quickly here in New Zealand....one of my favorites is trundler (shopping cart). We've found the holy land of grocery stores in Auckland and plan to fill our trundler to the brim tomorrow before heading out (then tranferring our loot to the chilly bin, of course). We've been eating well so far with the highlight being the fresh fish we picked up from the local fish market: Tarakihi and Gurnard. Both sweet and flaky and fantastic!
We've explored all over Auckland and its neighborhoods, but it really is just like any other big city. I was definitely surprised to find that the majority of people are Asian! Didn't expect that. It'll be all Kiwi surfer types once we hit the coast, right??
Attaching some hilarious shots of campaign posters near our hostel...we have two verandahs overlooking a gorgeous park....we wake up to chirping birds each morning, and then we have these next door. They don't seem to take their campaigning nearly as serious as in the US!!!
Sounds like a blast!!!!!! Have fun up north and I love the two political reps and their methods of campaigning!!!!!!!!!! Looks like those kiwis got it right!!!
Glad everything is going well so far....just an update for you....Beavs 66, WSU 13.....good weekend for us. The baby and momma made it down to Vegas with flying colors (no pun intended)...too quite in the house now for dad and Hamilton though. Remember to make me my case of beer!
Ok, only Jer would set up the camera to take a picture through the mirror. Love it! Have fun in the Welly. Love,toms
oh phew! thanks to that picture I now know you guys haven't changed a bit--ok ok I know it's not even been a week.
Everything sounds amazing guys--My jealousy cup runneth over!
So glad to hear your adventure is going so well so far. And love the language lessons - keep 'em coming!
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